Be the person you expect yourself to be.

I find that others, and myself, get most frustrated when the person we end up being is different than the person we expect ourselves to be. Are you like us?

Instead of getting frustrated, start reconciling the difference.

  • Who do you expect yourself to be at your best and worst?

  • What type of leader do you expect yourself to be?

  • How does an artist like you deal with defeat?

  • How does a friend like you value others in your life?

Create that picture in your mind.

Then, when things go off the rails - because they will, we’re human - reconcile the difference. Where is the gap between where I was and where I expected myself to be?

Then act.

Take accountability, improve what you can do, and do it again.

That gap between where we expect ourselves to be and where we are is freedom.

Freedom to reflect, decide, and effectively act.

On the flip side, it’s also the freedom to fail and act recklessly.

Just pick up one piece.

Clarity over certainty redux.