Interview thoughts from yesterday's post.

What if we re-thought interviews? What if instead of asking questions like, “tell me about a time that you didn’t tell a customer what they needed to hear and instead told the customer something to make them feel good,” we do this…

  • Give an idea. “Here’s the big idea I have… the question I’m trying to solve… the big hairy and outrageously audacious goal…”

  • Be like Prince: “Now, what are you going to come up with? What can you bring? What’s your thing in this?”

  • Stop and listen.

  • Be curious.

That map might work not only for job interviews but for any type of interview: getting others to be part of your project, helping to create enrollment from people who give you money, or trying to get people (kids even) to do things for you. Heck, I might use it with my nephew!

Food for thought.

Inspired by yesterday’s post.

Knocketh and the door shall be opened.

What’s your thing?