David Brady Helps

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Embrace Your Fans.


Perhaps you are the type of person that avoids it like the plague? Perhaps you welcome it in abundance?

When I have worked with people who dislike receiving criticism, often times they have felt that the criticism was a personal attack on them.

What if we choose to saw criticism differently? How might we do that?

Perhaps a simple reminder: Start with the assumption that the person critiquing us is our biggest fan and wants us to succeed.

Great fans applaud your work, they also are quick to tell you when your work missed the mark. They do that because your success is personal to them.

Who are these fans?

  • Your family;

  • Your boss;

  • Your friend;

  • The people who show up to your gig time after time;

  • The people who respond to your posts;

  • Your customers;

  • Your employees;

  • The passerby who cares.

Your fans can come from anywhere - don't discount them.

Reversal - watch out for the wolf in sheep's clothing. Some people are your fans because it's convenient to be your fan; they will also stop when it's convenient to stop. Their criticism matters little. If ever you're in doubt, look at their behaviors (they always speak louder than words) and try to understand the beneficiary of their actions - likely, it's themselves.

Your fans are selfless and they love you.

Embrace them.