Rest and Waken Your Inner Warrior

Rohan Rajiv writes a blog that I love, and perhaps you might too, “A Learning a Day”.

His latest post was about the “Inner Warrior” which was inspired by Scott Galloway’s post, “Advice to Grads: Be Warriors, Not Wokesters”.

I recommend reading Rohan’s post and then ponder these questions:

  1. What’s within my control? What’s not?

  2. How might I waken my Inner Warrior to change the things I can? And,

  3. How might I quiet my Inner Warrior to accept the things I can’t?

After reflecting, I realized that there is very little about the world I can change besides what I do at this moment - right now.

  • Where does my money go? What do I support through my income?

  • Where does my time go? What do I support through my physical and mental presence?

  • Where does my energy go? What do my labors, skills, and experience help build?

  • Where does my heart go? Who am I helping, listening to, speaking to, and how might I be a better person to and for them?

Quick thought on barefoot hiking.

The politics of the bandstand.