I'm a professional musician... really.

The title of this email is what no professional musician will ever say… ever.
If they do, they’re not professional.

At a gig recently a kid walked up to me and asked to play. The kid said, “I play drums, I’m the best, can I play the drums?”

Me: “No, you may not. This is a show, and there’s a flow, and this is not the appropriate time for it. Have you thought of a jam session?”

Kid: “Well I play guitar, I’m great at that, may I play?”

Me: “No, you may not. Refer to my last comment.”

Kid: “Well, I’m going to be great, I’m going to be touring, and you’re going to know my name. (Insert name here.)”

Me: “You need to fail, be humiliated, and have someone tell you that you suck. Then, once you’ve had that grounding experience, and only then, will you be able to make something happen.”

Kid: “That’s not going to happen to me. They’ll know me.”

What’s interesting is that I remember that kid’s name… and I don’t think I will forget it. Because who wants to work with someone like him.

Beware of the people like that kid - where the pursuit of fame, glory, and accolades trumps generous work in service of others.

Music, and all work, LIFE, is about selfless service for the benefit of someone else.

For those that know me from my Carnival/early music days… I wish that kid knew me then ;-)

I forgot... really.

Molars are out - and you only live once.