David Brady Helps

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Shared crucibles.

When the crucible moments are shared, a bond nearly impossible to break is created.

Last night, an outdoor gig turned sideways when a severe thunderstorm came through. The audience could have left, but they stayed. We busted out some acoustic instruments and did our best to entertain without power. Then, the bar owner invited us all in.

I was touched seeing audience members coming up to us and asking to help move our equipment indoors. These paying customers did not have to do that - but they decided to do that. They decided to because at that moment, we were all shared something in common.

When we started back up there I, and the others in the band, experienced an intoxicating and palpable energy in the room.

The kind of energy reserved for people who do something bigger than themselves for the benefit of others.

A spirit that said, “this night is special, it’s for us, and we’re going to remember it for a while.”

A shared crucible brings people together.