David Brady Helps

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Time passes.

Did you know…

  • If there is no motion through space, time passes faster? And,

  • If there is motion through space, time passes slower?

Obviously, I’m oversimplifying the concept, still, I believe the model offers insight into how we can choose to live.

Being bored is both a highly sought after and repugnant experience.

“Stop being bored, get up and do something!” and “the best innovators sought boredom as a way for their brains to rest from the act of living and start creating.”

Hustle-culture is a double-edged sword too.

“I’ll quit when I’m dead,” and “I’m burnt out from the grind.”

Instead, we might value a balance.

We might value seasons of moving through space doing lots of things, hustling, and grinding life out AND balanced that with moments for pause, reflection, and to exist.

Time passes either way.

The key is to do something with the time - and that something could just as easily be inaction as it could be action.

How are you spending your weekend?