David Brady Helps

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Do what you can

Have you had a “Fuck You, Universe!” day?

The kind of day when it feels like everything hits you one after the other,
Where you wish you could just catch a break,
When you can say, “you know, I get why ostrich’s put their heads in the ground…”

From very personal experience, I can tell you that Theodore Roosevelt’s quote is an antidote:

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

Everything is not happening at once,
The people in your life have no idea what you’re going through,
You have not hit the brick wall, and
Bing eating a Jet’s pizza (as good as they are) is not what you should be doing in spite of your feels.



Do what you can - what’s right in front of you.
Be like water - effortlessly allow yourself to experience the contours of the day.
What feels like a rapid, if you allow it, will feel more like a serene river.

All you have is the present.

Do you want to spend it in anxiety?

Or would you rather take back your power?