David Brady Helps

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Do you get sad thinking about the passage of time?

That’s the question my friend, Brian, asked me the other day.

I answered, “no, I don’t.”

As we continued the text thread I realized that our lives are a constant motion of death to life. Once the present turns into past it is lost forever only to live as a memory, and death of the present gives way for the future we hold in our hearts to become our present - birth.

So what could It mean to feel anything about the passage of time? Here are 3-Perhaps’:

  • If we’re saddened by the passage of time, perhaps we’re not enough present in the present.

  • If we’re frightened by the future, perhaps we’re spending too much time not actively controlling “now.”

  • If we’re careless and think “what’s the point” or “you only live once who cares”, perhaps we ought to reflect more on where we came from and what we might become.

Final thought

“Time passes, and as the present dies and becomes the past the future is born.” - Me… I think.

HT and with much thanks to my friend, Brian!