David Brady Helps

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The best we know how to do at the moment

“We have to do the best we know how to do at the moment. If it doesn’t work out, we can modify as we go.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)

Spoken at the start of the Great Depression, much of FDR’s work was trial-and-error. Nobody had ever been through a “Great Depression” and the stake were high. The best they could do was what the situation allowed. How often are you in that situation?

How often are you in a moment where the stakes feel high and the situation appears unclear? When you might not feel like the right person for the job - imposter syndrome? When it feels like too much of a gamble?

When you’re in that moment, channel your inner FDR and tell yourself, “I have to do the best I know how how to do at this moment. If it doesn’t work, I can modify as I go.”

Life doesn’t ask us to be perfect.

Life invites us to roll up our sleeves, get dirty, make mistakes, and adapt.