David Brady Helps

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How do we metabolize our emotions?

Oversimplified, metabolism does three things (according to Wikipedia):

  • Converts energy in food to energy we can use;

  • Converts food into building blocks we need for repair and growth; and

  • Eliminates waste from other metabolic activity.

Oversimplified, emotions are three things:

  • A response to a stimulus;

  • A method for communicating to other humans - perhaps an invitation to cooperate? And

  • A resource-consuming experience - can you recall how you exhausted you feel when you last got mad?

How to combine metabolism with emotions?

The next time we feel a strong emotion, consider asking yourself three questions.

  1. How might the energy this emotion I’m feeling be used for some kind of good?

  2. What is this emotion telling me about myself? How has my story changed?

  3. How might this emotion help me make positive change in my life? How does it help me remove an obstacle? How does it help me build a better life/work style for myself?

I’m going to try it out.

This idea was inspired by an enlightening tea I had with my friend, Brianna. Thanks, Brianna!