A list of activities that should be extremely boring.

There are events in life that you likely prefer were the most boring experiences ever.

  • Airplane flights;

  • Train travel;

  • Driving on the Palmetto Expressway (or any highway);

  • Dentist appointments;

  • Doctor visits;

  • Hearing about your bloodwork;

  • Visits with your mother (I love you, mom!);

  • Visits with your mother in-law (just kidding);

  • Law enforcement stopping you on the expressway for speeding;

  • Your performance review (you already know you’re awesome!);

  • An encounter with a human-eating large mammal…

I’m sure there’s lots more…

Interestingly… I had to get bored to think about this list.

Okay, that’s enough, back to work. Enjoy your day.

People Managers: encourage your teams to get bored during the day especially if they are doing creative work. In our boredom, our brains start to create connections ad genius is born.

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