David Brady Helps

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Benefits of a decision journal.

In August I blogged about using a decision journal to navigate big moments. Now, I am telling you journalling your decisions will be the best thing you do. Period.


When you journal a potential decision you are moving out of the present and into the future - the Future You. As “Future You” you get to imagine what your world would be like, and determine if “Present You” screwed you over; Jerry Seinfeld best explains the concept here. You also get something else…

After you have made your decision and you become “Future You”, you might feel anxiety. You may ask questions like, Did I do the right thing? What if I was wrong? This is too hard, did I set myself up to fail? What if I screwed up? When that moment strikes, thank “Past You”.

“Past You” took the time to lay out the implications and ramifications of the decision. “Past You” considered what would happen if you fail. “Past You” gave you the plan. Review “Past You's” work and thank them. They gave you something you desperately need - a reason to be confident in the face of doubt.

A reason to be confident in the face of doubt is the single greatest benefit of journaling through your decisions. When the heat is on and the pressure high, the crippling doubt you experience quickly abates with a reason to be confident.