Prep'ing for a gig.

Tomorrow I need to learn 10-15 songs and be able to play them as I play them all the time. I’m not stressed about it because I have a system for learning.

Learning songs is like learning anything - first principles.

  1. What is this song about? What is it supposed to do to the listener?

  2. How does this song fit into the big picture of the show?

  3. How do I contribute to this song?

I have to answer those questions before I even touch the instrument. Then, I listen again and ask:

  1. What is the form of the song? Verse, chorus, verse?

  2. What can I recognize just by listening? Familiar chords? Familiar musical lines? Familiar sounds?

  3. What sounds different? Where will I need to focus my attention? What will stretch my skills?

Then , I listen again and write.

  1. Write out the form.

  2. Write out the chords.

  3. Write out important notes.

Then I learn and play my part.

The framework I use helps me learn anything new - music or not.

  1. What is this business? How does it make money?

  2. How does I help this business generate revenue? How do I help its customers?

… you get the picture.

Preparing for a gig, for me, is like preparing for work and life.

  1. Start with first principles.

  2. Understand how things work.

  3. Learn and play my part.

You're hearing "why" but what's being asked is "what"

Sticking it out.