The "Universe Splitter."

My new favorite app, and I don’t enjoy apps, is “Universe Splitter” (iOS only).

The “Universe Splitter” costs $1.99 and it splits the universe for you. No, I haven’t lost my mind. Here’s why I like it.

In 1957 physicist Hugh Everett III introduced the idea of “Many-Worlds Interpretation” of quantum physics as part of his Princeton thesis. Imagine a person walking down the street — let’s call that person a particle. The person gets to a Y-intersection where they can go right or left. We observe the person going left. Everett’s thesis is that the person went both left AND right. Since we saw the person go left, we are therefore in the universe where the person goes left; however, there is a parallel universe where we see the person go right… we’ll just never be able to see it.

Assuming you haven’t unsubscribed and you’re still with me… this is a powerful mental model, and why the “Universe Splitter” app is my favorite investment.

Imagine yourself stressing about a decision — “Should I do A or B?” You can ask the “Universe Splitter” to split the universe for you and tell you which decision you should take. Whatever you decide, rest assured that quantum physics thinks there’s a version of you that’s doing the opposite and they may or may not be quite happy about it.

All of that to say — at the end of the day — it doesn’t really matter.

Stop stressing the small things.

Enjoy your coffee.

Bugger on.

A good reminder

Sensitive in an insensitive world.