David Brady Helps

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Thoughts on spotting talent

Candidates tell me that my interviews are different. I’m not sure what makes me different— I’m told it’s good.

I start by asserting the outcomes I need to create on the call.

  • You, candidate, walk away with total clarity about the role.

  • You, candidate, believe I perceived you the way you want to be perceived.

  • You, candidate, believe you got some of value from this time.

I then ask, “what would make this the most valuable time for you?”

I love that question because it allows me to be curious. I ask questions about what’s important to them. I clarify what I hear, I reflect back what I learned.

People invariably tell me that they learn a ton about themselves in 45 minutes.

If you want to get better at assessing talent, ask people what they value most. Then get curious.