Lesson from Bobby Knight

Late (im)famous Indiana basketball coach Bobby Knight passed away. I’m not much of a basketball fan; therefore, I can’t fully appreciate his legacy on the court. I do read, and I appreciate his thoughts on leadership. Have you read, The Power of Negative Thinking yet?

“Being alert to the possible negatives in any situation is the very best way to bring about positive results. And the reverse is true, too -- ignoring or failing to spot potential hazards in advance makes failure all the more likely.” — Bob Knight, The Power of Negative Thinking.

I also love this quote from Bob’s “10 Commandments of Leadership.”

“Never stop looking for new ideas. Be self-critical of your beliefs when others offer possible alternatives. Remember, you're not the inventor of the wheel or the Internet. Learn from the wisdom of others - listen to people who came before, like the playwright George Bernard Shaw: ‘Some see things as they are and ask, 'Why?' I see things as they could be and ask, 'Why not?'‘“ - Bob Knight, The Power of Negative Thinking

As much as I appreciate optimism; life is simply not that way. Life is life — a balance between hot and cold, order and chaos, and life and death.

People who see through the rose colored glasses at the effectual truth of life are often considered cynical or negative. I see us as being realistic. I think Bob was like that too.

What is negativity?

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