Price and Value.

There are two markets.

In market one, you get to choose between a fancy new and prestigious job or to keep the job you have now. The move seems easy. You’re making 70k a year and the new job pays you 140k. There aren’t a lot of jobs like that going around, and you love the fact that you received an offer. You are in demand, you take the job.

In market two, you are in your new role and notice that supply of time to hang out with your family is low. It takes more effort, it costs more, to maintain relationships with friends and loved ones. You long for the days when it was easier.

In market one, you made your decision based on the monetary value of a job. In market two, the value that appeared to matter most is effort and time. Where was money?

There are always second order effects of decisions. And,

Our perception of value changes like the weather.

Do your best to learn the big ideas.

How much is disappointment worth?