Production Possibility Curves of Life — David Brady Helps

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Production Possibility Curves of Life

Consider this: every decision comes with a tradeoff that constant, great, or small.

Now, imagine there is something about your life you want to change — visualize the end state.

You already know that to get from where you are now to your end state you’ll need to make tradeoffs. Changes comes at a cost. You must give to get.

Sometimes, the first step towards your goal can be a small step. The second step isn’t so bad either. As you approach step 3, 4, and on you notice the cost becomes greater. It’s snowballing you into your new and beautiful end state.

Sometimes, the first step is quite dramatic. The second step is large too, but not as much as step 1. Steps 3, 4, and onwards become easier. A dramatic start and a whimpering end.

You rarely see scenarios where the distance between each step is consistent and measured.

When it comes to improving ourselves and our conditions, we can’t expect nature to offer us constant and measured steps. Nature loves a good show.

HT to Khan Academy for the useful knowledge.

Consider waiting for the made for TV documentary.

The gig is a lottery.