David Brady Helps

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Aliens and greed.

I watched Aliens and Prometheus last night. My takeaways:

  1. The humans in both stories valued the opportunity to discover a way to extend or destroy life over the value of their own lives. The majority of judgments made smacked of noisy decision making processes.

  2. The androids in both movies demonstrates a pragmatism that is both scary and heart-warming. Decision making appeared less noisy though more cut-throat.

I think about today — you and I right now.

How many times per day do we ponder the question, If I just push a little more I’ll get my answer? By itself, that’s a great question if we are also considering the second and third order effects of our work.

How might we become more compassionately pragmatic? Bishop, the android in Aliens, presents compassion and pragmatism in a nice balance. I’m told his role in future movies is quite the opposite.