We are what they grow beyond.

Yoda says, “We are what they grow beyond. That is the burden of all masters.”

Our teachers, our parents, the people in our lives that we admire; they are the starter to our bread. We take what the ideas and insights those people gave us and build. We grow, we innovate, we create jazz.

I know that I am my mom, dad, teachers, leaders; and I will my role is to master the best of who they are and grow beyond. I can’t thank those people enough for being the masters in my life.

You might be the master for someone else. There are people in your life that admire you, that want to be like you, and that want to master the best of what you have already figured out. That’s a burden for you.

A burden that you must show up for those people who want to learn from you.

As I am thank for the masters in my life, so to are the people in your life thankful for you.

Teach them, you must. Grow beyond, they will.

If you think you're lost...

The sting.