David Brady Helps

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Reinforce the status quo.

Status quo bias is real, and you live with it.

The reason you can’t make changes in your life, the reason that people aren’t influenced by your great offers, the reason why nothing changes - status quo bias; the preference to keep things just as they are.

Understand: People maintain their status quo because they believe life is good just as it is. The decisions they are making now are the right decisions for them. Put another way, people don’t want to believe they make bad decisions for themselves. To get them to change we must:

  1. Reinforce the status quo. You make great decisions, things are going great for you, look at how far you’ve come, all of the time and effort you invested to get to this outcome… you are killing it. (this only works if you believe what you are saying)

  2. Ask a provocative question. What if you could get something more…? Why are you leaving money on the table? How might you take what you know works and take more advantage of it? (This only works if you believe the question will help the person)

  3. Be silent. Wait. Art is in the response; let the person you are trying to persuade sit with your question. (This always works - we can afford to talk less)

If you want to inspire change, then a good first step is to reinforce the status quo, be curious, and be still.