Why take on thankless jobs?

The thankless job - the job where you are putting in more than you are getting out, where you may not come out of the situation “liked”, where it’s easy for you to be the scape goat if things don’t work out. Ever had jobs like that? Why do we take them?

I’m forming an idea that we take thankless because we want to believe we can be the hero.

When I look at thankless jobs I’ve taken in the past, I saw myself as some type of “hero.” I would tell myself, “I can do something with this job, it doesn’t have to be that bad.” I always learn that the “thankless" job” has less to do with being the “hero” and more to do with “getting the job done.” Perhaps that leaves us with two choices:

  1. Take the job because you want to help others “get the job done”, or

  2. Avoid the job and accept the consequences of passing on the opportunity.

I don’t see a middle ground yet.

Is leadership a thankless job?
