David Brady Helps

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4 people got knifed in a home the other day — a tragedy. The youngest person was 18; the oldest, 34. A few blocks at the same time anti-violence demonstrators encouraged people to lead with love.

Scientists estimate there are 200 billion galaxies in the known universe. We live on one planet within one solar system within 1 of 200 billion galaxies. We are small relative to the bi picture.

It’s tempting to ask yourself, what’s the point of it all, what does this all mean, why bother trying to make change happen. Despair is easy. What’s difficult is being willing to laugh at it.

I laughed when I read the story of domestic violence occurring blocks away from the anti-domestic violence protestors. I do not find the violence funny, and I believe in the work of the demonstrators. I find it funny that in spite of how small we are, we allow our issues to become so big that we are moved to hurt another person. I find the absurd and surreal funny.

When we are such a small life form, why do we allow our issues to consume the universe that is our mind?