David Brady Helps

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Being the explorer.

In high school, my friends were (and still are) brainiacs — they have brilliant minds. These friends have gone on to do great work in their chosen fields. What was I like?

I was the person who was endlessly curious about many things. I never focused on schoolwork — I still recoil at the thought of it. I threw my mind into ideas that interested me — music, debate, ideas, and having a laugh.

Now, decades later, I haven’t change.

I am not a scholar. though I love to learn. I am not an exceptionally skilled musician, though I love understanding music theory and creating music. I am not a debater, but I love exploring and exchanging ideas with to hers. I still love a laugh. I played my part — the explorer.

The Explorer is the best role to play - and if you don’t play that role, you should be jealous. As the Explorer, I spend my time on endeavors. I’m never quite settled and never quite home. I feel that way as a person, and interestingly, that’s where I feel most comfortable.

I hope that you come to know your role whatever it is. I hope that you never give up on playing that role — that your energy allows you to persist in your endeavor.