Plutarch's collection of essays on leadership

Jeffrey Beneker selected translated Plutarch’s essays on leadership in “How to be a Leader.” Plutarch was an OG historian, philosopher, and biographer. Like a Doris Kearns Goodwin of antiquity. I enjoyed Plutarch’s insights, but I don’t know that I would go out and buy this book new. Basically…

  • If you want to get into politics/leadership, your character matters. Be of good character.

  • Older people have much to offer society and should still be leading; however,

  • Don’t expect old leaders to act like young brash whipper snappers.

Plutarch offers lots of other insights that I found valuable — but today’s servant leadership literature leverages those insights at length. If you read this blog, you probably have already read something about servant leadership.

I am fascinated by today’s literature on topics like leadership. If Plutarch’s accounts of failed and successful leadership mirror the wins and losses of today’s leaders. What have we learned in 1500+ years? And, that questions begs another, why haven’t we learned our lesson?

Perhaps it’s because our nature is oppositional to itself. We desire to control while desiring to be free. We are a paradox. We desire to exert influence our way in spite of our histories.

In writing this post… perhaps I have changed my opinion slightly. I might still go out and buy this book, second hand though. Why?

Because, when I’m reminded of how many lessons we’ve had the opportunity to learn, I become more driven to apply those lessons now. Why?

Because I guarantee my competitors aren’t.

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