How much control do you have over your time?

I work with lots of Filipinos. Today I asked a colleague, “do you think there’s a difference between how we perceive time? Are Filipinos more ‘loose’ with time than Americans might be - generally speaking?”

I loved my colleagues response.

We feel like we have more control over our time.

What does it mean to have control over your time? I thought about that.

  • Freedom to decide when things start and end.

  • Freedom to spend moments with people you want.

  • Freedom to spend moments by yourself.

  • Freedom to chuck the calendar.

When you have control of your time, the boundaries of your calendar become meaningless.

True, it means you might keep others waiting for you. I suppose it’s on them to decide what to do with their time.

Beautiful concept. How to execute it well… that’s a good question.

Food is what we live for.

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