Relate with your customers like a sub

I’m subbing for a show in town called “Country Sunshine.” I received the music two days before my first show. I never had a chance to rehearse the show with others.

I show up quietly. I don’t try to make too much of an impression, just enough to let others know that I’m here for them.

When I play, I must play like I’ve played the show my whole life. I must not hesitate. If I make a mistake, I make it big.

When I finish, I must leave just as quietly as I arrived. When the regular returns, the others should believe that person never left.

So what’s the life lesson here? How do we relate to customers like a sub?

Your customers, students, donors, fans have a life outside of you and your work. Your job is not to dominate their life. Instead, you jump in at certain points, make your mark effectively and with intention, and then leave just as quietly as you arrived.

I may have overdid it this past weekend

Thoughts on how to travel