David Brady Helps

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Heading back

I was without wi-fi a few days ago, that’s why you’re seeing a few more blog posts than usual in one period of time.

I’m heading back to the states today.

I have a few reflections from my time here.

  1. Time is a concept and a measure that is unique to each person. How one person quantifies and measures there time may or may not be similar to the next.

  2. Those who become your friends because it pays may stop because it pays. The Philippines plays an important geopolitical role in SE Asia to a number of countries. Many large states compete for dominance in the region. Do countries like the Philippines benefit from these large power plays? I don’t know, and the answer may vary depending on who you ask. From my experience, it’s a question that many Filipinos I’ve spoke with think about.

  3. Everything is possible. The Philippines is an example where nearly anything is possible with enough money or ingenuity. I admire the people for their innovative mindset and ability to adapt.

  4. Everything is possible. Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. So prepare for every eventuality and move through life relaxed knowing you’re prepared.