David Brady Helps

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A world of symbols.

The other day I realized an entirely-not-novel idea: our interpretation of the world is our interpretation of symbols.

I got to this idea by writing out music using the Nashville number system. It’s a different way to write music using numbers like “1” or “5” versus note heads. If I played music with notes or music with numbers a similar outcome might be achieved.

The words I am writing to you are symbols. If you can read these symbols and make sense of them, you presumably understand English “letter” system.

The actions I make in the world are symbols. If you’re used to seeing me as a fun loving person, you might be surprised if I’m quiet. If you’re used to seeing me quiet or moody, you might be surprised if I’m fun loving and boisterous. You mind developed a “symbol”, in this case a prototype, of me.

Like with any symbol - it only means something to the person who can interpret the symbol. Also, it only means something if you can consider the symbol in context. Also, it only means something if the culture that birthed that symbol remains unchanged.

If the only constant in life is change, then our interpretation of life must be one of caution and curiosity.