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2 interesting thoughts and 3 ideas

Ethan Mollick is as Professor of Innovation and Business at Wharton. He also wrote a book — “Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI.” He also writes the One Useful Thing blog.

Ethan predicts that AI will displace the low value and repetitive tasks of workers. It may replace higher income or knowledge work. It also may free up human capital to be more productive on higher value stream tasks.

Ted Gioia is a culture and music critic. He maintains The Honest Broker blog. Ted argues that the rise of AI has led Spotify to develop and push AI-created music, that our culture is stagnating as producers are overusing the same formulaic approach to popular music, and that there has not been any truly original and new music created lately. We’re regressing to music that is from our past. “The rapid rise of AI is actually the most profound evidence yet of cultural stagnation.”

My thoughts:

  1. If AI is to make a splash in the workforce, then aggressively learn and care about AI.

  2. If our culture is to evolve, we need to create and ship work.

  3. If we are to keep creating and shipping work, we need to keep being curious.