2 interesting markets.

Felipe Pantoja and Adilson Borges believe music tempo effects the evaluation of food and purchase intentions (gated study). I read their study and tried out their ideas at a gig.

I played a solo piano gig earlier in the week. The study, linked above, suggests that music around 110 beats per minute (bpm) may increase arousal (activation) which increases evaluation of food/drink which increases purchase intent.

My entire set list consisted of music played at ~110 bpm. I played all kinds of music — pop, rock, R&B, soul, etc. For a Wednesday night, the bar tender said it was busy. People stuck around. They sang along. The bar tender said people bought drinks.

There are two markets, that I see, happening and interacting with each other.

  1. The market that demands activation. I supply that market with activating music. Which then nudges those consumers to buy more.

  2. The market that demands libation. The bar tender happily supplied. And,

  3. Perhaps a third market — the market that demanded time and connection with other humans. People stuck around, they sat in seats, they talked with one another.

Sympathetic vibrations for the win.

Interesting thought about music

2 interesting thoughts and 3 ideas