Music should be a projection

“if one does it by purely electronic means, one tends to get fixed on one vibration, one frequency of vibrato, which becomes dull… music should be a projection of a thought process in the mind of a human being.” - Daphne Oram via the BBC’s Radiophonic Workshop Documentary (link below)

Musicians, like other creators, manifest into the world their thoughts and ideas in the form of their creations. These creations — like these words you read now — are a result of a decision. That decision is the result of a process shaped by life. What feeds that process are other creations and ideas manifested by nature and people.

The will to create new and even heretical ideas and things is an important part of a cycle. A virtuous cycle that produces and evolves the world you and I now exist in.

The only constant is change, of which everything is born from.

Given all that you've been through, why bother?

What I can't understand