David Brady Helps

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Being the observer

I think a large chunk of my life has been about “cracking” culture. Learning how people do things, why they do things, and how to fit in those people — all of it.

By cracking culture I get a unique advantage over my peers — I can create valuable outputs with and through many kinds of people.

The first step to cracking the culture code is to immerse yourself in a culture. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations, observe, and be curious — but don’t judge. Yours is not to reason why, yours is to do.

An easy way to pick a sub culture of your community you’d like to understand more. Go to a part of town where the sub culture thrives, and immerse yourself. If you are interested in Mexican food, go to Mexican communities in your area and shop at the markets.

Actually, go a step further and learn how to order what you want in Spanish AND THEN go to the market.

No no no, go even further… watch a video on line, a receta, of someone cooking Mexican food and reciting the recipe in Spanish. Imagine the taste and the smell. Imagine you’re there cooking with the person. Listen over and over again — hear the rhythm of the language. Learn what ingredients you need - the Spanish name of the ingredient. Go to your Mexican market and get it. Go home and cook.

This form of culture cracking, the observer method, almost requires you to become the object of your study. And doing that, you’ll come to know many a people.

You’ll also come to know that many of us are just like you.