David Brady Helps

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Be Proud.

It would be great if we are producing new work, art, ideas, innovations, opportunities each day that we can be proud of, wouldn't it?

It's not always the case.

We must bring to bear all of our strengths, effort, and drive to build some thing; and then, after we've put in all that work, we can be proud.

Still, it's not always the case.

As leaders, marketers, professionals, artists, pick a profession: we have a responsibility to be proud of our work. In spite of the importance, I observe that we're not always proud; but we can be.

Your Internal GPS

We all have an internal GPS of sorts. This internal GPS tracks our past self, our present self, and how we see our future self. Develop pride in your work by reflecting on the efforts you put forth, the present moment of completion, and seeing how what you completed can help others.

Allow yourself to see progress, to see self effectiveness, and to foresee your impact on the world.

Your Efforts

Anything worth believing is worth fighting for - you're worth it! Bring your entire self to bear when working on a project. Focus on leveraging your talents. Honestly be able to say: "I put 100% of myself into my work - without fail - 100% of the time!"

When we use all of our abilities, we are alive.

Your Drive

In a previous entry, I discussed being the change you want to see. Tie what you're doing back to the change you want to create in the world. Make an effort to be involved in projects that allow you to leverage your drive and your motivation.

When we do things that matter to us, we create things that help people.

Are you proud?

You can be. Remember where you started, be present when you've finished, use all of your strengths, leverage your drive, and reflect how what you just did can help change the world for the better.

Be Proud.