David Brady Helps

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Beliefs Rule.

Your beliefs, how you see the world, rule the choices you make. No matter what facts I might present to you if your views do not accept my points, you will likely dismiss my point-of-view. Don't believe me?  

Look at today's politics. Within the United States, some love President Trump and those that despise him. There are allegations that President Trump engaged in possibly illegal activity, and there are allegations that he's a victim of circumstance. Whatever point of view you take, you will likely believe one version of the story more than another in spite of any facts.  

Our beliefs rule our choices because they help us shape our world. The world view we hold to be sacred is safe. This safety enables us to find others like us, do things that we believe people like us do and find our happiness. Our "safety" also informs how we make decisions.  

When confronted with two equally suitable paths, you'll choose the one that most aligns with who you believe yourself to be. This process may seem complicated - especially when both options are good. Do yourself the favor of going with your gut - it's right. Your audience is no different.  

When confronted with several options, they will choose the groups most aligned with who they believe themselves to be. How do you improve the odds someone will pick you?  

You amplify yourself. Take who you are, what you believe, the message of your music, and shine a big light on it. Don't hide. Let people know this is "who" you are, "why" you matter, and that you are someone like them. The ones you serve will find you.