

The distance between where you are now, and where you want to be, closes with one step - take the step.

For the last week, I've written how we see "Resistant You" manifested in our lives. I've also written on some steps you can take to combat fear - treating yourself as a professional, but what happens next?

Come alive.

You must confront the resistance, be aware that you might fall flat on your face, and not care. After the mental work - do the actual work! If you want to write music, write music every day. Share it with the world, even if it sucks. Just get out there and write!

If you want to be an engaging entertainer, take as many gigs as you can. Yes, free ones. Do what you can do to be in front of others!

If you want to be a better recruiter, try new tactics out to reach your target audience - start a blog, offer free coaching, revamp your interview process.

We look at successful people, people who are "crushing life." They didn't just start that way! You don't see the many failures people went through to get to where they are today.

You, now, January 8th, starting the second week of the New Year, have an opportunity to fail and to win. You will fail more than win - it's math. But if you fail the way I suggest, you'll learn!

I hope that you'll start the New Year off inspired to take risks, to tell your "Resistant You" where to shove its dissent, to do something courageous, and to come alive.

Face your fears.

You're not alone.

Inspired By the War

Inspired By the War

Be a Pro.

Be a Pro.