David Brady Helps

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Find the Connectors.

How big is your network?  
Could it be bigger?
Do you have enough followers?
Are you an influencer?

Knowing the answer to the above questions would be crucial if exclusively relied on mass to get your message out.  

Mass is only essential if you have a message that serves the needs of those you seek to serve. Remember my post, Know the Question? You need to know the questions of those you serve before you can be their answer. But once you're their answer, how do you get the word out?  

Find others like you. But not just any "others," find the ones that love to move around and sharing what they know with others. Try not to find those that huckster themselves as "connectors." They're not worth the time and effort. Find people that want to share with others because they want to help people. They are not out to profit. They are out to support you because they believe supporting one another is a goodly thing to do.  

Some attributes of connectors:

  • They have vast social networks developed over time.

  • They demonstrate a genuine interest in you, your beliefs, and the change you're looking to make.

  • They can see all the ways who and what you are can help others. They are selfless in thought.

  • They do not ask for anything in return for their access.

  • They want to help.

Find these people, speak with them, share your story, share their story, and share what you're trying to do now. Then, ask for their help. They are your connectors to the others.  

Inspiration for this article came from Malcolm Gladwell and his book "The Tipping Point."