David Brady Helps

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Give Freely

Give of yourself freely to people that need help.

Today, I had the most fulfilling experience I've had since returning to Milwaukee. I helped a startup company and a recent college graduate. The help I was able to provide was valuable and enabled them to create the change they wanted to see in the world. I, very well, could have asked for money in exchange for the valuable services provided. I did not.

I want to see a world where people help people just because it's the right thing to do, not because it's the most profitable. Is making money good? Yes, of course. Am I trying to undercut others? No, never. Do I want to see people succeed in their efforts to help people? More than anything, yes!

Helping someone visualize the steps necessary to realize their world vision fulfills me. I feel fulfilled knowing that these individuals can now go and disrupt industries, create tribes, challenge the status quo; and all to help people.

I do want to support myself. I also offer fee-based services for more valuable coaching and support. But more than anything, I want to help people solve their problems and change the world for the better. You cannot put a price on helping someone take one step closer to realizing their dream. We need more dreamers in the world with the guts to offer a new point of view.

Freely help those that need help. Pay forward the kindness. We need it.