How Were Your Holidays?

How Were Your Holidays?

Did you avoid people?

Do you know people that did?

This blog is a simple reminder - expect the right things from the right people - mainly - yourself.

You can't expect others to not bring up drama from years past.
You can't expect others to help you wrap presents when you never asked.
Others can't expect that if they cry loud enough, you will stop and help you.

Instead, have a clear expectation of what you expect of yourself.

Control yourself.

Do the things that make you come alive.

Step into 2020 with a renewed sense of your purpose.
Step knowing that the right expectation is the one you hold for yourself.

How do you expect yourself to act?

Here’s a previous post about the Wrong Expectations.

On Resolutions

On Resolutions

The Art of Decisions

The Art of Decisions