If you're trying to spread an idea, consider the coronavirus.

If you're trying to spread an idea, consider the coronavirus.

Perhaps this topic is too soon, but hear me out.  

Lately, colleagues of mine have been laid off, artists are seeing their tour schedules blown up, and stores are being raided for their toilet paper. I actually think the "fear" from the virus is causing more pain than the virus itself.  

"Fear" is a primal emotion that creates action. It's easy to blame the "media" for creating the fear; however, the media was just a "carriage" that brought the emotion to us. We, the people, create the actual stories that are then "carried" to the rest of us via the media. Remember the series about "art"?  

  • Idea: a threat to our existence.

  • Form: a virus.

  • Idiom: A virus for which there is no cure.

  • Structure: It spreads by people in the same space with people.

  • Craft: Someone, or an animal, created it.

  • Surface: The media takes the idea and shares it with everyone.

  • Art: we respond to the message with the emotion "fear."  

If you want to create an idea that spreads, start with an idea that threatens our existence - consider the coronavirus. 

Do you need to talk to everybody in the room?

Do you need to talk to everybody in the room?

What have I been doing?

What have I been doing?