Instructions Not Included

Instructions describe a process, that if followed, will lead to a predictable outcome.

Humans are not predictable.
You and I are not predictable animals.
Yes, if you understand what makes us tick, you can make some reasonable assumptions.
But, we do not come with an instruction manual.

All of the "How-Tos" do not make up for understanding the principles of why we do what we do.
My goal is to provide you with principles gained from past failures and successes. If you apply these learnings to any situation involving people, you can create a positive change for yourself and another.

The principles I am providing you are not an instruction manual.
I am not trying to write a step-by-step guide for life.
Instead, I am trying to provide a way to think about life and people.
To truly learn, you must experiment, fail, grow, and succeed with each new situation.

Humans are not predictable.
Instructions not included.

Don't Eat Tacos

Know the Question.