David Brady Helps

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Learn to See. Learn to Speak.

You are not a mind reader.
Others cannot read your mind.

You must see others to understand their needs.
You must speak to show others you understand.

To see means to be empathetic.
To speak means to communicate through a medium.

Empathy is placing yourself in the situation of another to understand them better. Go a step further; it means to tell yourself the story of another person as they would say it to you.

A medium is any channel of communication (spoken word, art, music, written word, to name a few.) Go a step further; it means to create a bridge between two or more minds using a tool.

To better reach people with your message, your music, your art, your brand, or your story - you need to see them.

You can't build a bridge across a chasm if you can't see the other side.
You can't connect with another human being if you can't see them.
Connect with others by learning to see and to speak.
Help others see the "something better."