Let Life Get Ahead.

My mind works too fast too often. Growing up as a teenager, it was a struggle. Later as a young adult, it became a headache.

As I've intimated in previous entries, I live with bipolar disorder. I feel people create a stigma in their head about what that means; it means different things for different people. For me, when I've been up, it means that my mind races a hundred years into the future.

One time, while living in Milwaukee, I had dinner with a few business associates and friends. I can't even remember what one of my friends said, but I decided that what was said meant all of our plans would fail, and we should give up. I also decided they were terrible business partners. I fired them. The next morning I could not recall what happened. Thankfully, my friend and "fired" business partner demonstrated enough patience to fill me in.

I can imagine how difficult it would be to call someone so mercurial a friend. Thankfully, things have changed.

I've taken the time to understand a condition that creeps into my life now and then. I know myself and what triggers me. I know how to live mindfully and at peace with the world. I also learned a phrase that helps.

"Let life get ahead of you a bit."

Do you ever feel like you're trying to do too much? Or you just need to get ahead? Or, perhaps, you're thinking too far in the future? Like me?

The problem is that when we get ahead of life, we have to always look back and retrace our steps. That's not efficient. The solution is to let life get ahead of you.

When you let life get ahead, you can see what's coming up. When you can see what's coming up, you can make better decisions.

I failed with my friends a long time ago. My best friend forgave me and is still my best friend today. I've worked hard to be better and let life get ahead of me... a bit.

Looking at Others.

I'm Not Always Right.