Meet "Future You."

Meet "Future You."

Improve your decision-making by breaking all the laws of time travel - meet your past and future self!

Since December of last year, I had been planning to leave Miami and return home. In my head, I had a picture of "Future Me" being happier being closer to family and the ones I most deeply loved.

Or, for contrast, since December of last year, I had been planning to leave Miami and return home. In my head, I had a picture of "Future Me" being confused about what to do next, though happier being closer to family, I would be entering into a new chapter.

Truthfully, I met both versions of "Future" me last December. I hoped to find the "Happier Future Me," which I did.

Okay, now how about life decisions that might not be so happy?

I've met tons of musicians that seek work on cruise ships. They want to get away, pay down debts, travel a bit, and they feel they're going to be "happier." Then, they find out what it's all about - port manning, extra duties, etc. - while on the gig, and end up being miserable. Did they make the wrong decision?

No! They took "a" decision, which led them to an upset version of themselves - the one that doesn't like the extras but wants to play. If the individual had spent more time meeting their "future" selves, perhaps they would have reconsidered?

Break the rules of time travel. Project yourself into the future to meet your "future self." If possible, try to channel "Bob" and see all of your future versions. Then, come back to the present and make a bet.

"Future You" meet "Past You."

Ways to Question.