David Brady Helps

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New Year, New Me.

Happy New Year!

Have you already thought about your resolutions? I've not. I've not because I believe my thoughts towards "resolutions" to be changing.

Consider that when the new year starts, more people will secure gym memberships that will not lead to the outcomes they hope for - a better body.

People decide that the worst is over, and it's now time to start pursuing their passions.

It's the time that we set goals, think about our next steps, wonder who we are, why we exist, and the list goes on.

This year, I want to challenge you with a resolution - overcome the resistance.

Mercilessly challenge yourself to confront the uncomfortable. Make yourself vulnerable.

You are in a war. A war between the "you" with beliefs and dreams of a better world, and the "you" that wants you to hold back, is afraid of shame, doesn't feel they're good enough - the "resistant you."

New Year, New you?

Nah, fam!

New Year, Real You!