Pick the Idiom.

To date, on the "Be a Better Artist Series," I've discussed generating ideas and how to realize those ideas with form. But, recognizing the "form" work will take is part of the game, we must understand its "idiom."

Consider this blog as an example.  

  • Idea: ideas and insights for musicians struggling to find meaningful work.

  • Form: the written word.

  • Idiom: a blog.

How about a song?

  • Idea: a message for people attracted to bad relationships.

  • Form: a song.

  • Idiom: a country song.

Parenthetically speaking, I've got no reason for picking country music other than it seemed an entirely reasonable choice of genre (read: idiom) for this type of song.  

The idiom you choose is one that will best resonate with those you seek to serve. Additionally, there's no right answer. There's only the answer that might resonate the best. I could express my idea through the written form through any number of idioms: a printed newsletter, a painting, an infographic, you name it.  

To create better art, start with an idea, visualize the form, and then pick an idiom that best resonates with your audience. For me, I'll continue to use this blog; it seems to work.    

Create Structure.

Visualize Form.