David Brady Helps

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Save Bob.

There was an individual who worked with me. This individual spent years with the company, a strong leader, an individual I would often seek advice from because they saw what others didn't. I'll call this individual - Bob.

Bob's depth of experience enabled him to see things coming that could be disastrous. Perhaps we were trying something we've already done before, not changing the way we did it, and hoping for a different result?

Bob could see that and often advised. Bob did have a problem.

Bob had a reputation for being a talker and a nay-sayer. The leaders I reported to often discounted Bob's advice. Their reasons? Bob "over-complicated" or "talked too much." Bob knew this, and it frustrated Bob, it also frustrated me.

When you shoot the messenger because you don't like the messenger, you end up killing their message with it - don't! The insights brought to bear may save a project, save time, heck - even save money!

You could argue that Bob did have to own his reputation. Yes, he did. Bob had self-awareness. Bob worked on himself and made improvements.

To this day, I'm proud of Bob. Without him, I wouldn't have become a more well-rounded leader. He could put me in check, reshape my thoughts, and help me see what I couldn't. Bob's a good guy.

For you, try not to shoot the Bobs. They can enrich your life, your skills, and your decision-making in ways you couldn't understand. Instead, be generous, help the Bobs be better communicators.

If you're reading - Thank you, Bob ;-)