Share Your Story.

Are you real with the people you serve?

Do they know how you came to be who you are right now?

Share your story.

Your story does not have to be a melodrama complete with abusive operators, starvation, poverty, and horror; though it might be. Your story is an authentic telling of what led you to serve the way you serve. It's what led you to become the artisan you have become. We care.

We care because we love stories. We tell ourselves stories all the time. We make sense of the world around us through stories. When you share your story, you allow us to retell your story to ourselves. We are changed and believe in you when the story you tell us is the story we tell ourselves. Genuine and honest stories create real and dedicated believers.

Your story shapes your brand. It manages the expectations your audience will have in their dealings with you. Stories are essential to your success. If you want a successful brand, share your story.

Stories give clarity to your thoughts. When you commit your story to writing, you provide a foundation to build your brand. Your thinking becomes more focused when you write and share your thoughts. Your innermost thoughts and dreams become a reality when your mind's eye reads your written work. You become alive. We need you to be alive.

Throughout this blog, I will share stories about myself. I will provide insights to you based on my experiences and studies of leadership, personal effectiveness, and recruitment. I hope that my stories will give clarity to who I am as an individual. If you'd like to engage with my story, please do. I love to share with others what I have learned.

If you have a story, you'd like to share with the community, comment below. If not here, somewhere, anywhere where someone can listen. We love stories, and we want to know yours

Please, Share Your Story.

Share Our Story

Who Are You For?

Who Are You For?