Surface Matters.

We find ourselves at the last step of the "Be a Better Artist" mini-series. - surface.  

The shine, polish, error-checking, tweaks, bells, and whistles are the "surface." It's our first impression. Something as important as first impressions often receives little attention. Why?  

I believe the reason musicians, and others, often overlook the surface is that they place too much emphasis on craft. We want to be appreciated for our craftsmanship, right?    

Yes, and no. Yes, I want others to appreciate how I applied my craft and attention to detail to create something that aligns with my idea. No, because the only way someone will recognize my skills is if they have an excellent first impression of the work. Consider the below.    

  • Isn't the idea that people walk away having received your message?

  • Don't we want people to feel something from our work?

  • Isn't the idea to communicate our thoughts?

  • Sell a CD?

  • Buy a service?

  • Sign up for a mailing list?

  • If so, surface matters.

Surface matters because without it, we lose the opportunity to make an impactful first impression. First impressions motivate our customers to learn more about us. First impressions get people to want to listen to what we have to say.  

Your "ideas" are worth believing in and, therefore, worth the effort of polishing the surface of your work. Make an effort and take the time to create a remarkable first impression. Be a better artist.

Art Requires Response.

Apply Craft.

Apply Craft.